AICAR Peptide – Assists in Anti-Aging, Diabetes, Heart Health Treat

AICAR Peptide Benefits and Info
AICAR Peptide Benefits and Information

Introduction to AICAR

AICAR, or 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide, is an intermediate purine in the generation of inosine monophosphate.

It is an analog of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) that can stimulate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK).

Activation of AMPK by AICAR can replicate the effects of exercise on metabolism, making it a helpful research compound.

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Medical Applications of AICAR

AICAR has been researched for various therapeutic effects like cardioprotection, diabetes, inflammation, and anti-aging.

Heart Attack Recovery

Clinically, AICAR has been used to protect cardiac tissue from injury related to ischemia-reperfusion events like heart attack.

It reduces the damage from blocked blood flow to the heart and improves recovery.

Diabetes and Metabolic Health

By activating AMPK, AICAR can stimulate glucose uptake, fatty acid oxidation, and mitochondrial biogenesis, mimicking exercise’s benefits.

This makes it a useful compound to study for managing diabetes, obesity, and metabolic disorders.

Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases

The anti-inflammatory effects of AICAR via AMPK stimulation can help regulate cytokine production and calm overactive immune responses.

Research into applications for autoimmune conditions and related inflammation is ongoing.

Anti-Aging Benfits of AICAR

As a calorie restriction mimetic with antioxidant effects and inflammation reduction, AICAR holds promise for targeting multiple aging pathways.

Animal research shows improved health span and lifespan with AICAR supplementation.

Recommended AICAR Dosage

Human trials have used an AICAR dose of 500-1000 mg typically injected.

Animal research studies use 100 to 500 mg/kg body weight doses.

Benefits of AICAR

Key potential benefits include cardioprotection, simulated exercise effects, anti-inflammatory actions, antioxidant properties, and anti-aging effects.

Research and Case Studies

Human clinical trials show IV AICAR administration before reperfusion significantly decreases cardiac tissue injury caused by blocked arteries.

Mice studies reveal increased treadmill run time to exhaustion, enhanced endurance, and mimicry of training adaptations with chronic AICAR treatment.

FAQs About AICAR Peptide

What is the AICAR peptide?

AICAR (5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide) is an intermediate compound in generating purines that activate AMPK pathways in metabolism and cell growth.

How is AICAR administered?

In research, AICAR is administered intravenously or injected subcutaneously/intraperitoneally in animal test subjects. Human trials have used IV delivery for heart-related applications.

What conditions can AICAR help treat?

Potential applications in human trials focus on recovery from cardiac ischemia during events like heart attack or stroke. Other research explores uses for diabetes, inflammation, longevity, and anti-aging.

What are the side effects of taking AICAR?

Reported side effects seem relatively mild but may include the potential for low blood sugar, gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, irritation at injection sites, or rashes.

How does AICAR work in the body?

AICAR activates AMPK pathways, which regulate metabolism, insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial health, cell growth/division rates, and inflammation – influencing several processes connected to aging.


AICAR is an intriguing research compound with therapeutic potential across aging, metabolic health, inflammation, and recovery from ischemia.

More research is still needed to confirm benefits and define optimal dosing.

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